AlQuran Empowered Women - (AEW)

Join our Safe and Inclusive Global Community Platform : Connecting Women With The AlQuran
Imagine there is an organization that supports and stays with you throughout your learning journey until the end of your life..
In AEW, you will no longer be alone..
AEW offer comprehensive programs that combine the empowerment of both mental and physical fitness.

AEW's Core Foundation

Klinik Faham Quran Super Fun
Klinik Faham Quran Super Fun

Easy way of learning the Quran language - Harnessing A.I Technology for Seamless Language Mastery

My Biz My Dakwah
My Biz My Dakwah

Exciting program to empower women's economic . 

Program Infaq
Program Infaq Buat Asnaf

Infaq Program (Raising funds) to help individuals and communities in studying and understanding the Quran.


Empowered Women - (AEW)

Become AEW Partner!


Empowered Women - (AEW)

A Global Community Platform that connects Women around the Globe with AlQuran.

What is AlQuran Empowered Women 

A platform that connect women around the globe with the AlQuran. Empowering women with latest AI technology to learn and understand the Quran easily, quickly and fun. Because "Silaturrahim" (connection) is the heart of AEW.

Why join AlQuran Empowered Women 

1. Recharge your soul by joining the strong & fun Jemaah (Community)
2. Discover new technology that can improve the connection betweeen you and the "Creator".
3. Improve yourself spiritually and economically.
4. Support System that can help unleash your potential.

Who should join AlQuran Empowered Women 

Inviting Women from any part of the world who are interested to meet others and discover the formula to stay happy, strong and alive.


Local & International Masjid & Surau Program

Fostering Self and Economic Empowerment for Women through Safe and Inclusive Community Engagement Program.

AEW MeetUp @Zoom

Let's meet up and be friends!

The People

At AlQuran Empowered Women, our mission is driven by a dedicated team of individuals who are passionate about empowering women through the understanding of the AlQuran and the practice of Silaturrahim. Each member of our team brings unique expertise, unwavering commitment, and a shared vision for creating positive change in the community.
We are honored to welcome you to join us as part of the AlQuran Empowered Women (AEW)  community. Together, we will uplift and inspire one another to rise as strong, empowered women, insyaAllah.

Special Gift for You!

Alhamdulillah. Saya sangat gembira melihat anda di sini. Sila dapatkan mySyukur Journal percuma anda sebagai simbol kasih sayang dan perhatian saya kepada anda. Saya sangat berharap mendapat ulasan dan komen ikhlas anda apabila anda menerima mySyukur Journal. Terima kasih.
Doa saya agar anda lebih sejahtera, kaya raya, berjaya di dunia dan akhirat. In shaa Allah. Aameen Ya Allah Ya Mujib.

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Anti Prokrastinasi Workbook dapat membantu anda mengatasi habit menunda dan meningkatkan produktiviti. Dengan latihan yang mudah dan berkesan, Anti Prokrastinasi Workbook ini akan membimbing anda ke arah mencapai matlamat Goal & Impian anda.. In shaa Allah

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AlQuran Empowered Women - (AEW)
An exclusive platform to connect Women around the Globe with the AlQuran! Empowering women with latest AI technology to learn and understand the Quran easily, quickly and fun. Because "Silaturrahim" (connection) is the heart of AEW.

© Copyright 2025 AEW by AnneArdzi Global  - All Rights Reserved

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